Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation

Introduction to Buddhism & Meditation

Introduction to Buddhism & Meditation “Awaken to Where You Are”. 

The course will start on Tuesday 17th of September 2024 from 7 pm till 9 pm and will be limited to twelve people, there will also be an option to join the waiting list. The cost for the course will be £10.00, this is to cover the workbook that goes along with the course. Please book on to the retreat through the booking link only. Due to our safeguarding policy, this class is only open to those aged 18 years old or over.

For more information, please email 

This six-week course is designed to provide a practical and enjoyable introduction to Buddhist practice in the Triratna Community. Of course, it is impossible to cover everything in such a short space of time. Still, we hope that this guide and the classes themselves will give a taste of Buddhism and show how you can live your life with a greater sense of contentment, purpose, and fulfillment by following the Buddha's very down-to-earth advice.

The program follows the Buddha's Threefold Path of Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom:

Ethics helps us to engage with the world in more positive and helpful ways and, in time, we can find that the world responds to us in more positive and helpful ways too.

Meditation helps to calm our busy, worrying, chattering minds and find some stillness amid the turbulence and pressures of modern life.

Wisdom reflects the Buddha's experience of Enlightenment and, through an exploration of this, we hope that you will come to see that the world is much more fascinating than you ever imagined it to be.

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The course is free, but we do have an admin cost for the materials we will be using. The cost of the workbook will be £10.


Date Topic
17 September 2024 Week One: The Buddha's journey and the Worldly Winds, including a meditation practice.
24 September 2024 Week Two: The Worldly Winds and the Cycle of Suffering, including a meditation practice.
1 October 2024 Week Three: Hindrances, Wheels, Spirals, and the 'Gap', including a meditation practice.
8 October 2024 Week Four: The Worldly Winds and Natural Ethics, including a meditation practice.
15 October 2024 Week Five: Am I what I think? How our thoughts create suffering, including a meditation practice.
22 October Week Six: How things are not as they seem and why it is important to see this, including a meditation practice.

There will also be a 10 to 15 minute tea break, so the program is broken into two sections. Cups and tea-making facility provided.

More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book?

Yes, places are limited

Do I need to be a Buddhist?

No, you just need to be interested or wish to learn something about Buddhism and meditation.

How much does the classes cost?

We do not charge for our courses, we operate a just-giving system (donations) or Dana. We do have to pay for the printing costs of the workbook we will be using, so there will be a £10 charge to cover this. If your circumstances do not allow for this please do get in touch.