Introduction for Beginners (March 2025)

Introductory sessions suitable for beginners - learn about Buddhism and one of our two main meditation practices each week: Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana (Development of Lovingkindness).
Held over 2 weeks.

Book Now

Please book using the link above. This is to allow us to plan for the evening.

More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book for the beginners evening?

Booking is preferred to allow us to plan for the evening. If you prefer, you can email for confirmation

What should I wear?

Comfortable clothing

How much does it cost?

All classes are free, but we do have admin costs like venue hire, so we have a suggested donation. If your circumstances mean you cannot make a donation that's ok please do just come along, you are still most welcome to join us.